Girls Weight chart for babies 11 week old baby

Summary of 11 week old baby Girls weight charts
In most cases, Girls weight measurements for this age group (11 week old baby) will lie within the range between 7 and 12 lbs. The average weight measurement for this age group Girls is 9 lbs, according to the CDC.

Also visit 11-week-old-baby boys weight charts

Date of Birth
Date Measured
(25.1 lbs)
Unit of Measure

Summary of Results

Weight for Age
0 years, 2 months and 18 days
11 kgs / 25.1 lbs

Now try these…

Weight Development Milestones for 11-Week-Old Baby Girls

Celebrating Week Eleven Congratulations on reaching week eleven with your incredible baby girl! Time flies, and she's growing and changing with each passing day. This week, let's explore the exciting milestones and developments you can expect to see in your little one.

Growth and Weight

  • Your baby's weight gain continues at a steady pace.

  • According to CDC data, she may now weigh between 11.6 and 16.4 pounds (5.3 to 7.4 kilograms).

  • Keep in mind that every baby is unique, so don't worry if her weight falls slightly outside this range.

Motor Skills and Coordination

  • Fine motor skills:

    • Your 11-week-old baby girl is becoming more adept at using her hands.

    • She can deliberately grasp and hold onto objects for several seconds, especially those she is interested in.

    • Soft toys can be great for strengthening her grip.

  • Head control:

    • Her neck muscles are getting stronger, enabling better head control.

    • She can keep her head steady for several seconds.

    • Remember to support her head when she moves it around.

  • Leg strength:

    • She may kick her legs vigorously when lying on her back.

    • During tummy time, she might push up with her arms and lift her chest off the ground.

Exploring the World

  • Curiosity and exploration:

    • Your baby girl is becoming more aware of her surroundings and is eager to explore.

    • She may reach out and touch objects within her reach.

  • Increased focus and attention:

    • She can follow moving objects with her eyes more smoothly.

    • Faces and bright colors continue to captivate her attention.

Sleep Patterns

  • Sleep duration and routine:

    • By now, your baby girl may have started staying awake longer and napping less frequently during the day.

    • During the day, she may nap from 1 to 3 hours; at night, she can probably sleep from 5 to 6 hours.

  • Total sleep:

    • Expect about 9 to 18 hours of shuteye for every 24 hours during this phase.

  • Massage benefits:

    • Consider giving your baby girl a gentle massage.

    • It can help her sleep better, reduce fussiness, and deepen your bond with her.

Feeding and Nutrition

  • Breastfeeding or formula feeding:

    • Whether you're breastfeeding or using formula, your baby's nutritional needs continue to be met.

    • Maintain regular feeding intervals to support her growth and development.

  • Introducing solid foods:

    • At this stage, most babies are not yet ready for solid foods.

    • Consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on when to start introducing solids.

Communication and Socialization

  • Vocal recognition:

    • Your 11-week-old baby should now be able to tell familiar voices apart.

    • She is particularly responsive when she hears her parents speaking or even singing to her.

    • She may turn her head towards you when she hears your voice.

  • Social interactions:

    • She's becoming more responsive to your voice and facial expressions.

    • Engage in interactive activities, such as talking, singing, and playing games like peek-a-boo.

Superhero Support Squad

  • Remember to lean on your support system when needed.

  • Connect with fellow parents, join parenting groups, or seek guidance from your healthcare provider.

  • Sharing experiences and seeking support can make your parenting journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Enjoying the Moments

  • Treasure the precious moments with your 11-week-old baby girl.

  • Embrace her giggles, cuddles, and adorable facial expressions.

  • Take time to bond and create lasting memories as she continues to grow and flourish.

Embracing Parenthood

  • Parenting can be a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges.

  • Trust your instincts and remember that you're doing an amazing job.

  • Take care of yourself and seek self-care opportunities to recharge and rejuvenate.

Tip: Soft Toys for Playtime

  • Choose soft toys that are safe for your baby to play with.

  • Soft toys can help strengthen her developing grip and provide sensory stimulation.

  • Ensure the toys are free of small parts that could be a choking hazard.

Tip: Supporting Healthy Sleep Habits

  • Establish a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your baby that it's time to sleep.

  • Create a calm and soothing environment in her sleep space.

  • Stick to regular nap times and help her differentiate between day and night.

Tip: Capturing Precious Moments

  • Keep a journal or baby book to document your baby's milestones and memorable moments.

  • Take photos and videos to capture her growth and changing expressions.

  • These keepsakes will become cherished memories in the years to come.

Enjoy this remarkable phase of your baby girl's journey, savoring each milestone and creating beautiful memories along the way.