Girls Weight chart for babies 11 month old baby

Summary of 11 month old baby Girls weight charts
In most cases, Girls weight measurements for this age group (11 month old baby) will lie within the range between 15 and 24 lbs. The average weight measurement for this age group Girls is 19 lbs, according to the CDC.

Also visit 11-month-old-baby boys weight charts

Date of Birth
Date Measured
(25.1 lbs)
Unit of Measure

Summary of Results

Weight for Age
0 years, 11 months and 7 days
11 kgs / 25.1 lbs

Now try these…

Developmental Milestones for 11-Month-Old Baby Girls

Embracing Month Eleven Congratulations on your baby girl reaching the 11-month mark! This is an exciting time as she continues to grow and develop her skills. Let's explore the key milestones and changes you can expect during this month.

CDC Growth Data for 11-Month-Old Baby Girls According to CDC growth charts, the average weight for an 11-month-old baby girl is around 20.7 pounds (9.4 kg), with a length of approximately 29.2 inches (74.1 cm). Remember, these are just averages, and every baby develops at their own pace.

Physical Development

  • Advancing mobility:

    • Your baby girl may be crawling with ease and might even attempt to stand without support or take a few steps while holding onto furniture.

    • Encourage her exploration and provide a safe environment for her to practice her newfound mobility.

  • Improved fine motor skills:

    • She may be able to pick up smaller objects using her thumb and forefinger in a pincer grasp.

    • Offer toys that promote hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, such as stacking blocks or shape sorters.

  • Growing independence:

    • Your baby may express her desire for independence by attempting to feed herself with finger foods or holding her bottle.

    • Encourage her independence while ensuring a safe and supervised environment.

Cognitive Development

  • Understanding simple instructions:

    • Your baby can comprehend and follow simple instructions, such as "wave bye-bye" or "clap your hands."

    • Encourage her understanding of verbal cues and expand her receptive language skills through play and daily routines.

  • Problem-solving skills:

    • She may enjoy exploring and figuring out how things work, such as fitting shapes into corresponding holes or completing simple puzzles.

    • Offer age-appropriate toys and activities that stimulate problem-solving and cognitive development.

Communication and Language

  • Expanding vocabulary:

    • Your baby may be saying more words and attempting to imitate a wider range of sounds.

    • Continue to engage in conversations, read books together, and introduce new words to expand her vocabulary.

  • Gestures and non-verbal communication:

    • She may use gestures like pointing or waving to express her needs and communicate with you.

    • Encourage her non-verbal communication skills by responding to her gestures and mimicking her actions.

Feeding and Nutrition

  • Breastfeeding or formula feeding:

    • Continue to provide breast milk or formula as the primary source of nutrition.

    • Offer regular feeding sessions based on her hunger cues.

  • Introduction of table foods:

    • Your baby can explore a wider variety of soft table foods, gradually transitioning to family meals.

    • Offer a balanced diet with a variety of textures and flavors, ensuring age-appropriate portion sizes.

    • Introduce new foods one at a time to monitor for any allergies or sensitivities.

Sleep Patterns

  • Nighttime sleep:

    • Your baby may sleep for around 10 to 12 hours at night, with longer periods of uninterrupted sleep.

    • Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to promote healthy sleep habits.

  • Daytime naps:

    • She may take two naps during the day, each lasting around 1 to 2 hours.

Parenting Tips for Month Eleven

  • Encourage exploration and play:

    • Provide a variety of safe and age-appropriate toys that promote sensory exploration, problem-solving, and fine motor skills.

    • Engage in interactive playtime activities that encourage her curiosity and imagination.

  • Foster language development:

    • Engage in conversations and encourage her to imitate new sounds and words.

    • Read books together and point out objects and characters to enhance her vocabulary.

  • Encourage independence:

    • Offer opportunities for self-feeding with finger foods and provide guidance and support as she explores new feeding skills.

    • Allow her to attempt dressing herself with simple garments, promoting her sense of autonomy.

  • Ensure a safe environment:

    • Baby-proof your home by securing furniture, covering electrical outlets, and removing small objects that could pose choking hazards.

    • Provide a safe space for exploration and play, both indoors and outdoors.

Enjoy this delightful stage of your baby's development as she continues to surprise you with her newfound abilities and growing personality. Remember, each baby develops at her own pace, so embrace and celebrate her unique journey. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby's development, consult with your pediatrician for personalized guidance. Keep nurturing her with love, patience, and encouragement as she thrives in her eleventh month!