Boys Weight chart for babies 6 month old baby

Summary of 6 month old baby Boys weight charts
In most cases, Boys weight measurements for this age group (6 month old baby) will lie within the range between 13 and 20 lbs. The average weight measurement for this age group Boys is 17 lbs, according to the CDC.

Also visit 6-month-old-baby girls weight charts

Date of Birth
Date Measured
(25.1 lbs)
Unit of Measure

Summary of Results

Weight for Age
0 years, 6 months and 5 days
11 kgs / 25.1 lbs

Now try these…

WHO Growth Data for 6-Month-Old Baby Boys:

Your baby boy is now halfway through his first year! During his previous 5 months, he was probably growing at about 1.5 to 2 pounds per month. When he reaches 6 months, his growth will slow down to about 1 pound per month, at least until he reaches his 1st birthday.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 6-month-old baby boys exhibit various growth patterns. Here is some general information about weight for 6-month-old infant boys:

  • Average Weight: At 6 months old, baby boys typically weigh between 6.7 to 9.6 kilograms (14.8 to 21.2 pounds). Remember that individual growth patterns may vary.

As your baby boy reaches the 6-month mark, he continues to grow and develop in exciting ways. Let's explore some important aspects of his development:

Physical Development:

  • Motor skills:

    • Your baby boy's motor skills are advancing rapidly. He may be able to sit up with support and maintain good head control.

    • He might start rolling from tummy to back and vice versa, demonstrating increased strength and coordination.

    • He may also show interest in reaching out for objects, using his hands to explore his surroundings.

Feeding and Nutrition:

  • Breast milk or formula remains essential for his growth and nutrition. However, around this age, you can gradually introduce solid foods with your pediatrician's guidance.

  • Begin with smooth purees and gradually introduce mashed or soft, age-appropriate foods.

  • Offer a variety of foods to help your baby boy explore different tastes and textures.

  • Make sure to supervise him closely during feeding to prevent choking hazards.

Sleep Patterns:

  • By 6 months old, many baby boys begin to establish more consistent sleep patterns. 6-month-old babies can usually sleep 6 to 8 hours at a time as well.

  • Your baby may sleep for around 14 to 15 hours in a 24-hour period, including nighttime sleep and naps.

  • Establish a bedtime routine to signal that it's time to sleep, and provide a calm and soothing environment.

Sensory Development:

  • Vision:

    • Your baby boy's visual skills continue to improve, and he can see objects and people from a greater distance.

    • He may show interest in small details, track moving objects, and recognize familiar faces.

  • Hearing:

    • He can respond to his name and may turn his head towards familiar sounds or voices.

    • He enjoys listening to different sounds, including music and voices, and may even babble in response.

Cognitive Development:

  • Your baby boy's cognitive abilities are expanding, and he is more aware of his surroundings.

  • He may engage in simple cause-and-effect play, such as banging objects together or dropping them to observe the sound they make.

  • Provide him with age-appropriate toys and activities that stimulate his curiosity and problem-solving skills.

  • Your 6-month-old baby may begin to sit up by himself for a short time. He’ll do this by holding himself up with his hands.

  • Your little one might also be capable of rolling from his back to his stomach, and back again.

  • Some babies can also crawl and slide around on their tummies as they push themselves against the floor.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Your baby boy is developing social bonds and may show affection towards familiar people.

  • He may respond to smiles, laughter, and engaging interactions, such as peek-a-boo or playing simple games.

  • Encourage his social development by spending quality time together, talking, and responding to his cues.

Parental Support:

  • Your role as a parent is crucial in providing love, care, and support for your baby boy's development.

  • Engage in interactive activities, read books, sing songs, and talk to him to foster language skills and bonding.

  • Respond to his needs promptly, offering comfort and reassurance.

  • Create a safe and stimulating environment that encourages exploration and learning.

Remember, each baby develops at their own pace, and these guidelines serve as general reference points. Enjoy this wonderful phase of your baby boy's growth, celebrate his milestones, and continue to provide the love and care he needs. If you have any specific concerns or questions about his development, do not hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and support.

Some tips

  • Thinking of introducing solid foods to your 6-month-old baby? If you’re not sure - or if your baby doesn’t seem to be interested in solid foods, ask your pediatrician.

  • Begin your baby’s solids diet with iron-fortified cereal and combine it with breast milk (or formula if you wish). As he gets used to solids, feed him strained vegetables and fruits, but do this one at a time - ideally over several days for each - to ensure he’s not allergic to any of the food.

  • Make sure you keep track of his reactions to certain food, such as rashes, vomiting, or loose bowel movement.