Boys Weight chart for babies 4 month old baby

Summary of 4 month old baby Boys weight charts
In most cases, Boys weight measurements for this age group (4 month old baby) will lie within the range between 11 and 18 lbs. The average weight measurement for this age group Boys is 14 lbs, according to the CDC.

Also visit 4-month-old-baby girls weight charts

Date of Birth
Date Measured
(25.1 lbs)
Unit of Measure

Summary of Results

Weight for Age
0 years, 4 months and 4 days
11 kgs / 25.1 lbs

Now try these…

WHO Growth Data for 4-Month-Old Babies:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 4-month-old babies show a range of growth patterns. Here is some general information about weight for 4-month-old infants:

  • Average Weight: At 4 months old, babies typically weigh between 5.8 to 8.2 kilograms (12.8 to 18.1 pounds). It's important to remember that individual growth patterns may vary.

By this time, your 4-month-old baby has probably doubled his weight compared to when he was born; this means he’s getting the proper amount of nutrients. At 4 months old, your baby is reaching exciting milestones and developing their unique personality. Let's explore some important aspects of their development:

Physical Development:

  • Motor skills:

    • Your 4-month-old baby is steadily developing his motor skills, especially his hands. He might be able to use both hands to shake his rattle and grab anything within his reach. Take note that any item he picks up up will find its way into his mouth.

    • Your baby's head control is improving, and they can hold their head steady while in a supported sitting position.

    • They may show more control over their arm and leg movements, reaching out for objects and bringing them to their mouth.

    • Some babies may start rolling over from their back to their tummy or vice versa.

  • Teething

    • While your baby boy may get his first teeth anytime from 3 months to his first birthday, he might already start chewing his hands and rubbing his gums. Some babies don’t experience discomfort, but others go through a number of symptoms such as:

      • More frequent dribbling

      • Poor appetite

      • Red cheeks

      • Red patches on his gums

    • Here are some ways you can ease your baby’s teething difficulties:

      • Give him a teething ring.

      • Apply a sugar-free teething gel.

      • Gently massage his gums.

      • Apply the rounded end of a chilled spoon on his gums.

Sensory Development:

  • Vision:

    • Your baby's eyesight is developing rapidly, and they can now see more colors and details in their environment.

    • They may track moving objects with their eyes and show interest in exploring their surroundings.

  • Hearing:

    • Your baby can recognize familiar voices and sounds, and they may turn their head towards the source of a sound.

    • They may enjoy listening to different types of music or sounds.

Sleep Patterns:

  • By 4 months old, your baby may start to develop more predictable sleep patterns.

  • Your little one should be able to sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night. Ideally, he should nap twice a day, bringing his daily sleep total to around 14 to 16 hours. Likewise, your baby boy will probably be in a cheery disposition for most of the day.

  • Some babies may begin to establish a bedtime routine and show signs of sleep consolidation.

Feeding and Nutrition:

  • Breast milk or formula continues to be the main source of nutrition for your baby.

  • They may show increased interest in their surroundings during feeding sessions.

  • Look for hunger cues and offer frequent feedings, while also introducing solid foods if recommended by your healthcare provider.

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Your baby is becoming more social and interactive, engaging with you and others through smiles, coos, and babbling sounds.

  • They may start to imitate facial expressions and respond to their name.

  • Some babies may show a preference for certain toys or objects and begin to explore them with their hands.

Parental Support:

  • Your presence and love are crucial for your baby's well-being and development.

  • Engage in interactive activities, such as talking, singing, and reading to your baby.

  • Respond to their cues and signals, providing comfort, security, and plenty of affection.

Remember, every baby develops at their own pace, and these guidelines serve as general reference points. Enjoy this beautiful stage of your baby's growth, celebrate their milestones, and cherish the special moments together. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby's growth or development, it's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and support.


  • We realize that it's not on every parents' agenda to vaccinate their children, but for those who do see the benefit in this type of protection then we recommend vaccinating with the following:

    • RV1 and RV5 (for rotavirus), DTaP (for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough), Hib (for Haemophilus influenzae), PCV13 (for pneumococcal disease), and IPV (for polio).