Boys Head chart for babies 7 week old baby

Summary of 7 week old baby Boys head charts
In most cases, Boys head measurements for this age group (7 week old baby) will lie within the range between 32 and 37 cms. The average head measurement for this age group Boys is 34 cms, according to the CDC.

Also visit 7-week-old-baby girls head charts

Date of Birth
Date Measured
Head Circumference
(75.5 cms)
Unit of Measure

Summary of Results

Head Circumference for Age
0 years, 1 month and 18 days
Head Size
75.5 cms / 30 inches

Now try these…


  • You may observe a few changes in your 7-week-old baby. He might be able to follow objects about 6 inches in front of him - especially those with eye-catching patterns and shapes; he might be able to distinguish colors as well.

  • At this point, he may also be able to distinguish your voice, and would probably respond to you by making sounds or becoming quieter.


  • Expect your 7-week-old baby to start checking out how his toys taste (or anything he can grab) by putting them in his mouth.

  • Your infant would probably start flailing his arms and legs when he sees someone or something he wants to play with. He would reach out with his hands and try to grab items - and as mentioned earlier - put them in his mouth.

  • Babies commonly begin socializing more with people around them during this time by smiling and making sounds.

  • Your son may also start responding to certain events, like getting agitated when it’s time to change his diaper; or happy when you’re about to feed him.

Some tips

  • Stimulate your 7-week-old baby’s sight by showing him brightly colored toys and books, and by regularly taking him out on walks.

  • To help develop your baby’s sense of sound, talk back to him in parentese, which is different from normal adult speech. Parentese is high-pitched and spoken in an exaggerated, singsong manner (“Whooos a prettyyy liiittle baaybee?”). Believe it or not but it’s actually helpful to your baby’s language and mental development.